
Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image

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Vals Quartzite image
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Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image
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Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image
Vals Quartzite image

バルスクォーツ 石英石


高地の水源 ミネラルウォーター“VALSER”(ヴァルサー)と建築家ピーターズントーによる”Theme Vals”SPA(バルステルメスパ)そしてそちらにあるホテル”Therme Vals 7132 Hotel” Kengo Kuma Roomと呼ばれる隈研吾設計によるインテリアはオーク材とともにバルスクォーツが斬新さと素朴なナチュラル感覚がリトリートの場を提供しています。

ご紹介する隈研吾設計によるHaus Balma は2011年よりがTruffer 採石会社からCOAD&Materialsに依頼を受けスタートしました。
Haus Balmaでは 海抜1,200mの山で採石されるバルスクォーツサイト石英石の採石技術を進化させ、大型の石材を用い、又 新ディティールでの新しい加工法、Valsに旧来よりある伝統工法 などが ふんだんに使われています。
隈研吾様、associates の皆様とTruffer,スイス地元の技術者達によるVals Quartzaiteという石材に対してのTrufferの構想と、緻密で多数の技法研究の長年の積み重ねにより完成いたしました。

コアド&マテリアルズは今後もTruffer 採石会社との協働によりバルスクォーツ石の壁や床、バスタブ、シャワールーム、キッチントップなどの提案と設計開発サポート及び調達、施工を行って参ります。


Polishing the green stone with diamonds enhances its luster, transforming the dazzling quartz into a beautiful shade of blue. The mica appears as if it’s been intricately inlaid with white marble. Natural stone’s functional beauty makes it an excellent choice for adorning walls, floors, bathtubs, shower rooms, and kitchen countertops.

The highland water source, “VALSER” mineral water, the “Therme Vals” SPA designed by architect Peter Zumthor, and the hotel known as the “Therme Vals 7132 Hotel” are all remarkable features of this location. Inside the hotel, there’s a special space called the “Kengo Kuma Room”, which boasts an oak interior design. Complementing these exceptional materials, Vals Quartz adds a touch of novelty and rustic natural charm, creating a perfect retreat.

The construction of Haus Balma, designed by Kengo Kuma, commenced in 2011 at the behest of Truffer AG, with Coad & Materials overseeing the project’s execution.
This project marked a significant advancement in the quarrying technology for Vals Quartzite stone, sourced from mountains at an elevation of 1,200 meters above sea level.
The approach involved utilizing large stones, pioneering processing methods, incorporation new design elements, and preserving traditional construction techniques deeply rooted in the Vals region.
The completion of Haus Balma was a collaborative effort involving Kengo Kuma, his associates, Truffer AG, and the expertise of local Swiss engineer. This collective effort spanned years of meticulous research and experimentation with various techniques to harness the full potential of Vals Quartzite stone.

Coad & Materials will maintain its collaboration with Truffer AG, offering proposals, supporting design development, handling procurement, and overseeing the construction of various elements using Vals Quartz stone. These include walls, floors, bathtubs, shower rooms, kitchen countertops, and more.

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